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IGSR Conscientiously Carried Out the Government Work Activity of "One Statement & Three Evaluations" of Main Responsible Person

2023/11/27 9:32:35

The main responsible person of the enterprise is the first person responsible for safety production in the unit and is the "key minority" that determines the safety production work of the enterprise. In accordance with the work requirements from Jiangsu Provincial Emergency Department and Nanjing Emergency Bureau, in order to further promote the enterprises’ implementation of the main responsibility for safety production, to explore the establishment of a mutual evaluation mechanism with enterprise as the main body and multi-party supervision, and to urge the main responsible persons of enterprises to fully fulfill their responsibilities for safety production, IGSR conscientiously carried out the "One statement & Three evaluations" activity regarding the main responsible person fulfilling their safety production responsibilities.

During the event, Tai Bao'an, the main responsible person and general manager of the company, reported regarding the company’s establishment and improvement of the safety production responsibility system for all employees, strengthening the construction of safety production standardization, implementing safety production management systems and operating procedures, and the company’s safety management institution and personnel allocation. He also answered questions raised by employees about safety production, enterprise development, etc.. The safety experts and regulatory authorities present affirmed the safety performance of IGSR’s main responsible person and provided relevant comments. IGSR all employees also evaluated online the job performance of the company’s main responsible person.

The "One statement & Three evaluations" work aims to effectively improve the performance ability of the "the first responsible person for safety production" through the work report activities of the main responsible persons of the enterprises, as well as to strengthen the sense of responsibility and proactively accepting evaluations. IGSR will actively adopt the evaluation comments, continuously improve the safety production management system, and comprehensively strengthen safety production work with a higher sense of responsibility and mission, so as to safeguard the high-quality development of our company.